About us

We are a young, dynamic and informal team dedicated mainly to Labour Law, as well as to Data Protection Law and Intellectual Law related to labour organizations.

We provide advice to employers and workers, either national or foreign, in the various sectors of activity (eg public and private sectors) and in all areas of employment (eg hiring, collective bargaining, economic unit transfers, restructuring and redundancies).

We combine practical experience with theoretical approaches that respond to the answers given by national and foreign courts.

We provide practical, personalized, preventive and non-reactive advice and support our Clients in all litigation cases, either administrative or judicial, in the pre-litigation and litigation phases.

We seek to resolve the issues of our Clients in a clear and efficient manner, with identification of the risks and contingencies of each solution. The Client must have the necessary conditions to make the best decision in the defence of his/her/its interests.

Our work and our organization is guided by three essential values: (i) integrity, (ii) excellence; and (iii) proximity. We build lasting relationships of collaboration with our Clients


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David Carvalho Martins

Founder & Managing Partner Portugal

Founding partner and director of DCM | Littler (Portugal), Master at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and PhD student at the Universidad de Murcia (Spain).

He was nominated as one of the best lawyers by Chambers Awards Europe in 2023, having also received recognition from Best Lawyers and Iberian Lawyer.

He was a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon until February 2022 (Introduction to the Study of Law, General Theory of Civil Law, Contract Law, Real Rights, Succession Law, Civil Procedural Law, Commercial Law, Economic Law, European Union Law, Private International Law and Labor Law); Guest Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Nova University of Lisbon (2014-2015) and at the European University (Lisbon) (since 2014).

He has been a guest lecturer at the European University in Private International Law (2014) and Labor Law (since 2018-2019). He was also a guest lecturer in postgraduate courses organized by the Institute of Labor Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, by the Faculty of Law of the Nova University of Lisbon, by the Catholic University of Portugal - Escola do Porto and by NovaSBE, guest lecturer of the master's course in Social Rights, organized by the Eduardo Mondlane University, in Mozambique (2014-2017), and specialist and assistant technician in the Office of the Secretary of State for Employment (2011-2012).

He is a founding associate and former president of the Associação de Jovens Juslaboralistas (AJJ), associate and board member of the Associação Portuguesa de Direito do Trabalho (APODIT), of the Associación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social (AEDTSS), of the International Labor and Employment Relations Association (ILERA), the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA) and the CIELO Laboral network.

Currently, he is also a speaker at conferences and seminars, promoted by national and foreign organizations, on themes of Labor Law.


• David Carvalho Martins | Inês Godinho | João Villaça | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Nómadas digitales, “EoR”, “AoR” y “PEO” en Portugal: ¿Movilidad internacional y captación de talento?, I Congreso Internacional sobre El Retorno de Emigrantes y la Atracción de Talento Global Universidade de Granada, 2023, no prelo;
• David Carvalho Martins | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Emprego público: Recrutamento, concurso e dados pessoais, O RGPD na Administração Pública, ICJP, 2023, no prelo;
• David Carvalho Martins | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Autopsicografia de Fernando Pessoa, Una Mirada Laboralista a la Poesia, Coord. Antonio Sampere Navarro, Pilar Laso, Gratiela-Florentina Moraru, Javier Hierro, 2023, no prelo;
• David Carvalho Martins | Gonçalo Asper Caro | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Diligence of IT security: Employee awareness tests as a legal challenge, Interactive Robotics: Legal, Ethical, Social and Economic Aspects, Springer, 2021, 66-70;
• David Carvalho Martins | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Transmissão de unidade económica: Algumas atualizações, Prontuário de Direito do Trabalho, n.º 2, 2021, pp. 111-133;
• David Carvalho Martins | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, El algoritmo y los criterios de selección de trabajadores en un despido por motivos objetivos, Seminario Internacional sobre Nuevos Lugares, Distintos Tiempos y Modos Diversos de Trabajar: Innovación tecnológica y Cambios en el Ordenamiento Social, Coord. Roberto Fernández Fernández, Juan José Fernández Domínguez, 2021, pp. 311-324;
• David Carvalho Martins | Ana Amaro | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, La negociación colectiva en el sector de la construcción en Portugal, La Negaciación en el Sector de la Construcción, Coord. José Manuel Morales Ortega, Juan Carlos Álvarez, 2021, pp- 837- 862;
• David Carvalho Martins | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Instrutores privados: não obrigado! Uma breve análise da ação disciplinar pública, Liber Amicorum – Revista de Direito Comercial, Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Pedro Pais de Vasconcelos, 2021;
• David Carvalho Martins | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Um revisitar das acções para a impugnação da confidencialidade, tutela da personalidade do trabalhador e da igualdade e não discriminação em função do sexo, Estudos APODIT 8, Coord. Prof.ª Doutora Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho e Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Coelho Moreira, AAFDL Editora, Lisboa, 2021, pp. 173-232;
• “Impugnação da confidencialidade, tutela da personalidade do trabalhador e da igualdade e não discriminação em função do sexo: temas revisitados”, Estudos APODIT, 2021 (em coautoria com Tiago Sequeira Mousinho), 173-232
• “Pre-screening e screening: poder funcional do empregador?”, Estudos APODIT, 2020, pp. 99-127
• “Layoff à la Covid-19: notas introdutórias”, PDT, vol. I, 2020, pp. 153-172 (em coautoria com Gonçalo Asper Caro),
• “Sexual harassment and mobbing: recente amendments in the Portuguese Law”, European Labour Law Journal, 2019, vol. 10(2), pp. 163-167 (em coautoria com Teresa Coelho Moreira)
• “Segurança e saúde no trabalho: breves notas introdutórias”, PDT, vol. I, 2019, pp. 331-354
• “O tempo de trabalho nas convenções da OIT: breves notas”, Documentación Laboral, n.º 116, vol. I, 2019, pp. 85-100
• “Conciliação entre a vida profissional e a vida familiar e pessoal”, A Igualdade nas Relações de Trabalho, Estudos APODIT 5, AAFDL, 2019, pp. 95-108
• “Transfer of an economic unit in Portugal: new Regulation”, European Labour Law Journal, Vol. 9, 2018, pp. 389-394
• “Trabalho e direito intellectual: notas jurisprudenciais”, The Balance between Worker Protection and Employer Powers – Insights from around the World, Cambridge Scholars, 2018, pp. 594-612
• “Transmisión de Empresas en Portugal: balance y perspectivas del nuevo régimen legal ante la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia”, El Derecho del Trabajo español ante el Tribunal de Justicia: problemas y soluciones, Estudios Laborales, Ediciones Cinca, 2018, pp. 609-618
• “Transmissão de unidade económica: alguns problemas de sucessão de leis”, Revista de Direito Comercial, 2018, pp. 1241-1258 (https://www.revistadedireitocomercial.com/transmissao-de-unidade-economica)
• “Novo regime de transmissão de unidade económica: algumas notas”, Prontuário de Direito do Trabalho, Vol. I, 2018, pp. 117-158
• “El nuevo régimen portugués de sucesión de empresas y la externalización de servicios”, Descentralización productiva, nuevas formas de trabajo y organización empresarial: XXVIII Congreso de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Santiago de Compostela, 31 de mayo y 1 de junio de 2018, (org. Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social), Vol. 2, 2018 (CD), p. 6
• “Mobilidade de trabalhadores no âmbito da UE: lei aplicável, destacamento e competência internacional”, Documentación Laboral, 2018, pp. 95-119
• “Transfer of an economic unit: requirements, effects and recent CJEU ruling”, European Labour Law Journal, I, 2018, pp. 24-49
• “Whistleblowing and the ECHR case Heinisch v. Germany: Polish and Portuguese perspectives”, 2017 (em coautoria com dr Maciej Łaga)
• “Assédio moral e conflito laboral: areias movediças”, II Congresso Europeu de Direito do Trabalho, Almedina, 2018, pp. 157-204
• “Labour effects of corporate groups in Portugal”, IusLabor, 3/2017, pp. 58-64 (https://www.upf.edu/documents/3885005/140470042/2.+CLLD.pdf/8c82bb42-39d8-444a-7b1c-09186a359a7f)
• “Derechos fundamentales y tecnologías innovadoras: sentencias portuguesas”, III Encuentro Internacional sobre Transformaciones del Derecho del Trabajo Ibérico – Derechos Fundamentales y Tecnologías Innovadoras, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2017, pp. 68-79 (https://eciencia.urjc.es/handle/10115/14967)
• “O direito à reintegração do trabalhador e do poder de oposição do empregador: em busca de equilíbrios”, PdT, I, 2017, pp. 269-293 (em coautoria com Duarte Abrunhosa e Sousa)
• “El Banquero Anarquista (1922) de Fernando Pessoa”, El Derecho del Trabajo en la Literatura, Ediciones Laborum, 2017, pp. 85-90
• “A tutela de direitos de personalidade no processo do trabalho”, Los actuales câmbios sociales y laborales: nuevos retos para el mundo del trabajo, Vol. 4, Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 377-392
• “A tutela dos direitos dos trabalhadores na Administração Pública nos tribunais administrativos e nos tribunais do trabalho em sede de acidentes de trabalho e doenças profissionais”, Direito do Trabalho na Administração Pública, I, E-book, CEJ, 2017, pp. 221-250 (em coautoria com Susana Santos Coelho) (http://www.cej.mj.pt/cej/recursos/ebooks/Administrativo_fiscal/eb_Direito_do_Trabalho_na_Administracao_Publica_I.pdf)
• “O reenvio prejudicial no Direito do Trabalho: o órgão jurisdicional e a dúvida metódica”, Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor António Monteiro Fernandes, Nova Causa, 2017, pp. 312-345
• “Sobrevigência e ultra-atividade: a convenção coletiva de trabalho entre a paragem cardíaca e a (quase) morte”, Contratação coletiva: velhos e novos desafios em Portugal e Espanha: I Encontro Ibérico da Secção Europeia de Jovens da Sociedade Internacional de Direito do Trabalho e da Segurança Social, AAFDL, 2017, pp. 263-291
• “La protección constitucional del salario en Portugal: una perspectiva”, Documentación Laboral, 108, 2016, pp. 109-121 (em coautoria com Joana Neto Mestre)
• ``As ações para impugnação da confidencialidade, tutela da personalidade do trabalhador e da igualdade e não discriminação em função do sexo``, O Novo Código de Processo Civil e o Processo do Trabalho, Estudos APODIT 2, AAFDL, 2016, pp. 115-172
• “A redução das compensações, os fundos de compensação do trabalho e de garantia de compensação do trabalho e o mecanismo equivalente”, I Conferência Luso-Espanhola de Direito do trabalho: a reforma laboral em Portugal e Espanha, Almedina, 2016, pp. 173-255
• ``Os critérios de seleção no despedimento por extinção de posto de trabalho``, ``Transformações Recentes do Direito do Trabalho Ibérico``, Biblioteca RED, 2016, pp. 141-163 (em coautoria com Duarte Abrunhosa e Sousa) disponível em (http://www.cije.up.pt/publications/transformações-recentes-do-direito-do-trabalho-ibérico-—-livro-razão)
• “Enseñanzas de la experiencia portuguesa”, Compatibilidad de prestaciones de Seguridad Social con trabajo (org. Carmen Sánchez Trigueros), Aranzadi, 2016, pp. 61-111
• “La presunción de laboralidad en Portugal: tendencias y perspectivas”, Revista Española de Derecho del Trabajo”, n.º 190, 2016, pp. 225-246
• “El sistema portugués de garantía de las compensaciones en caso de extinción del contrato de trabajo”, El Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social en la encrucijada: retos para la disciplina laboral, Laborum, 2015, pp. 365-379
• “Transfer of an economic unit and collective bargaining agreements”, working paper apresentado no XXI Congresso Mundial da Sociedade Internacional de Direito do Trabalho e da Segurança Social, Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul, 15-18 de setembro de 2015, disponível em http://islssl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Portugal-DavidMartins.pdf
• “O Direito do trabalho em Portugal nos anos da crise (2011-2014)”, Estudos dedicados ao Professor Doutor Bernardo da Gama Lobo Xavier”, Universidade Católica Editora, 2015
• ``Despedimento por Extinção de Posto de Trabalho - a Revisão de 2012 e o Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional de 2013``, Para Jorge Leite, Escritos Jurídico-Laborais, Vol. I, Coimbra Editora, 2015 (em coautoria com Rita Canas da Silva), pp. 509-548
• “Labour Law in Portugal between 2011 and 2014”, (http://islssl.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Portuguese-National-Report.pdf)
• Código do Registo Predial e Legislação Complementar, AAFDL, 2014
• Da Transmissão da Unidade Económica no Direito Individual do Trabalho, Lisboa, Almedina, 2013
• Direitos Reais, Elementos de Trabalho para as Aulas Práticas (em coautoria), Lisboa, AAFDL, 2012
• Direito da Economia, Casos Práticos (em coautoria), Lisboa, AAFDL, 2008
• Artigos semanais no Jornal Económico sobre temas laborais (entre setembro de 2016 e maio de 2017)
• Artigos semanais no Jornal OJE sobre temas laborais (entre fevereiro de 2014 e agosto de 2016)

Nuno Abranches Pinto


He has a law degree and a master's degree in law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. He has been practicing law since 2001 and has specialized in Labour Law since 2014.
He teaches as an adjunct professor in the Department of Legal Sciences at the School of Technology and Management - Polytechnic of Leiria, where he is involved in curricular units related to Labor Law (collective part), Public Employment and Civil Procedural Law.
He has published work in the area of Labor Law and regularly participates in conferences and training sessions, at the invitation of associations, professional orders and companies.

Antonio Pedrajas Quiles

International partner

DCM Littler Internacional Partner

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Manging Partner of Abdón Pedrajas

Degree in Law, University San Pablo CEU

Master in Labor Legal Advice, Center for Garrigues Studies

PhD Labor Law, Complutense University of Madrid

Sonia Cortés García

International partner

DCM Littler Internacional Partner

Abdon Pedrajas Partner

Graduated in Law by the Barcelona University

Master in Business Administration, International Business School of Madrid

Certificate of European Community Law, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium

Certificate in English Law, With Honours, City of London Polytechnic University

Javier Molina Vega

International Partner

DCM | Littler International Partner.
Law Degree from the University of Seville.
Master in Labor Law by the US.
Master in Talent Management by UV.
PhD in Artificial Intelligence by UNIR.
He has been Associate Professor at the University of Seville and Pablo de Olavide; currently he is Professor at the ABC de las Personas of EDEM.
He has carried out research work in German-Spanish comparative law at the Universities of Köln, Mainz and Göttingen, from which he has several publications.
Lawyer recognized in different legal yearbooks as Best Lawyer for the practice of Labour and Employment and Benefit. Finantial Time Award 2018 Law & Technology. Designated Labour Lawyer of the Year in 2018 and 2022.
Specialists in occupational risk prevention, with various publications in comparative law, expert in collective bargaining and conflict management; and belongs to the body of arbitrators of the Labor Arbitration Court of the Valencian Community.

António De Lemos Monteiro Fernandes

Of Counsel

Degree and Master in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Doctor “honoris causa” from the University of Messina (Italy).
He taught Individual and Collective Labor Law and related areas, at the former Instituto Superior de Economia (today ISEG), at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, at ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and at Universidade Lusíada from Porto.
He is currently a professor at NOVA School of Law and at the Faculty of Law at Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa.
Since 2011, he has been a visiting professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Trento (Italy).
Author of more than a hundred articles in national and foreign papers, he has published several books, the most recent of which are: the manual “Direito do Trabalho”, 20th edition (2020), “Escritos de Direito do Trabalho” (2019) and “Uma História de Leis do Trabalho” (2021).
He was a member of the ILO’s Management Board (2008/2011).

Cláudio Rodrigues Gomes

Managing Associate

Law degree at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law
Specialization course in Law and Financial Sciences at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law

Leonor Frazão Grego

Managing Associate

Law Degree at University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law
Master’s degree in Administrative Law of the University of Lisbon with thesis developed in the area of public contracts - Faculty of Law
Preparatory Course for Admission to the Center for Judicial Studies at the Oporto Gobal University

Joana Azenha

Managing Associate

Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Specialization course in Media Regulation and Deontology, promoted by the Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC), in collaboration with ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

Filipa Lopes Galvão

Managing Associate

Degree in Law by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Master of Laws “LLM” in International Legal Practice in Instituto de Empresa IE Law School, Madrid.
Advanced Data Protection Course: General Data Protection Regulation data, EU Directives and National legislation at the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Data Protection Course – Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

Tiago Sequeira Mousinho


Lawyer (2023)
Master of Law and Legal Science, specialized in Labor Law (2024)
Bachelor of Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2018)
Certified Trainer, with a pedagogical qualifications certificate (2024)
Effective Associate Member of APODIT - Portuguese Association of Labor Law (2022)
Was a tutor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (Contracts Law, Commercial Law, and Labor Law) `{`2017-2021`}`

Author and co-author of several scientific article publications in Portugal and Spain, focusing on Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law (some journals and periodicals, e.g., APODIT Studies, Labor Law Handbook, Commercial Law Review). Contributor to international studies, e.g., published by Springer, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.

Ana Cristina Amaro


Law degree at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law
Masters-in-Law candidate at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law (specialized in Labour Law)


• DAVID CARVALHO MARTINS | ANA AMARO | TIAGO SEQUEIRA MOUSINHO, La negociación colectiva en el sector de la construcción en Portugal, La Negaciación en el Sector de la Construcción, Coord. José Manuel Morales Ortega, Juan Carlos Álvarez, 2021, pp- 837- 862;

Gonçalo Asper Caro


Law degree at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law
Masters-in-Law candidate at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law (specialized in Labour Law)
Tutor at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law (Introduction to the Study of Law, Comparative Law, Labour Law and Rights in Rem Law)


• David Carvalho Martins | Gonçalo Asper Caro | Tiago Sequeira Mousinho, Diligence of IT security: Employee awareness tests as a legal challenge, Interactive Robotics: Legal, Ethical, Social and Economic Aspects, Springer, 2021, 66-70;

• David Carvalho Martins e Gonçalo Asper Caro: “Layoff à la Covid-19: notas introdutórias”, in Prontuário de Direito do Trabalho, Lisboa, n.1 (1º Semestre 2020), p.153-172.

Rui Rego Soares


Law degree at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law.
Enrolled in the 13th Postgraduate Course in Business Law promoted by the Private Law Research Center (CIDP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Alternate member of the Justice Council of the Portuguese Boxing Federation.

Rute Gonçalves Janeiro


Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra.
Master's student in Civil Law Sciences at the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra. Attended the Postgraduate Program in Pharmacy Law, Medication, and New Technologies at the Biomedical Law Center of the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra.


• “A (in)admissibilidade do acesso à informação genética do candidato ao emprego”, Revista Questões Laborais, n.º 61, 2023, pp. 52-75;

• “A responsabilidade civil da indústria farmacêutica pelos danos causados por medicamentos defeituosos à luz do Decreto-Lei n.º 383/89, de 6 de novembro”, Revista de Direito da Responsabilidade, Ano 3, 2021, pp. 1005-1037.”

Marta Coelho Valente

Trainee Lawyer

Law degree at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law.
Post-Graduate degree in Arbitration Law at the University of Lisbon School of Law – Faculty of Law.
Masters-in-Law candidate at the Portuguese Catholic University - Lisbon School of Law (Forensic Law).

Maria Beatriz Silva


Law degree at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law.
Post-Graduate degree in Equality Law at the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Law.
Masters-in-Law candidate at the NOVA University of Lisbon – NOVA School of Law (International and European Law).

Filipa Bilé Grilo


Law degree at the University of Lisbon - Faculty of Law.
Attending a postgraduate course in Civil Liability at the University of Lisbon Law School.
Attending a Master's Degree in European International Law at NOVA School of Law.
Masters-in-Law candidate at the NOVA University of Lisbon - NOVA School of Law (International and European Law).

Juliana Madeira

Public Relations Consultant

Social Communication Degree at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar
Master Course in Marketing at the Aveiro University

Mariana Ribeiro Almeida


Degree in Graphic Design and Multimedia at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

Andreia Pereira de Oliveira

Talent and Training Manager

Degree in Human Resources Management from ISCTE and a Postgraduate in Training Management from ISLA Lisbon (currently the European University), her professional career focused on the areas of Training Management and Consultancy in Human Resources Management.

In the last years she has held various roles in Higher Education, namely in the area of Executive Training, Employability and Academia, collaborating, among others, directly with the area of Law.

Camila Pereira Marques

Forensic Secretary

Professional experience as an Administrative Assistant in the legal sector.

Regina Lopes De Carvalho

Office Manager

Degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon;
Post-graduation in the area of specialization in Knowledge, Education and Society, by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon;
Public servant with leading positions and coordination of services for 38 years within the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Mafalda Crespo

Executive Assistant

Professional experience as an Administrative Assistant in management support

Cátia Ferreira Cardoso

Executive and Talent Management Assistant

Currently attending the undergraduate course in Human Resources Management at Universidade Lusófona.
In the last years, she has been working in the field of Human Resources, particularly in recruitment and selection, administrative management, and supporting organizational development projects.

Diogo Lopes Galvão

Executive and Financial Technician

Graduate in Management from Universidade Europeia


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    Where We Are


    Rua Julieta Ferrão, n.º12, 806
    1600-131 Lisboa

    Tel.: +351 217 961 074


    Avenida José dos Santos Farias – Edifício Arcadas, Bloco B, 1.º esq.
    8135-167 Almancil, Loulé


    Rua Eça de Queiroz 11
    3000- 147 Coimbra


    Jorge Juan 35, 28001 Madrid


    Edificio Master´s, Pedro i Pons 9-11, planta 10ª, puerta 3ª, 08034 Barcelona


    Don Juan de Austria 32, planta 2ª, puerta 3, Valencia 46002 Spain